Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Gods,Religions,Morals…strange trinity...
(comparing morals defined by religons over the morals defined by individual on basis of reason)Now the concept has taken 180 degree turn. First in case of GOD based morals it is fear that convinces people that they should be good, in second case it is also the fear. But there is a vital difference, in the former case the GOD is a third party who decides the morals but in the latter case it is a person itself who decides individually or the entire society collectively, what the morals are. Don’t both the cases give the same result? No there is a fatal flaw in the former case(wherein we consider the god as a regulatory element), which is that the concept of GOD is not intuitive, a child learn that concept eventually from the parents(or rather say religion), parents (or religion) may teach the wrong definition of the GOD and his rules ( so is the case when it was believed that a widow has to be burnt alive with the corpse of his dead husband otherwise GOD would get angry or in case of Islam one must not portray GOD otherwise he would punish) and the child even after growing mature can’t change those wrong definitions because it is based on the wisdom of a few persons who died thousands years ago and not on the wisdom of the contemporary men who are according to Charles Darwin far more intelligent and sensible. Whereas the morals based on reasons can be changed eventually and can not be wrong as often as it would have been in the GOD’s case. Morals or ethics based on the GOD(or religion) is unchanging, static but the morals deducted from reasons may be changed when need be(like drinking may be immoral in east as it is addictive but in the west with freezing cold drinking it must be moral). Religion and morals can not be considered synonyms instead they are often contradictory.
"It is very beautiful over there!" -Thomas Alva Edison (considered to have been told by him in his last days)
Monday, December 15, 2008
250$ per 1000 bullets.
Approximately 200$ for satellite phone.
Approximately 200$ for gps system.
500$ to acquire an AK-47.
By summing up above expenses and adding other major expenses like traveling, hand grenades, expenses in search of the candidates and rigorous trainings of them would according to me make the staggering total of more than 1 Crore Rs. Terrorism comes at a cost, deadly cost because the people around from your community can’t get their daily food and you worry about the people geographically far away from you whom you have never seen whom you have never talked to. How stupid people can be?
They (terrorists or rather say the masterminds behind them) used this amount just for a single attack on Mumbai in order to kill people. By killing people as they justify it, they are being benefactors for their fellow Muslim brothers in India who according to them are being suppressed, killed and executed from 1992 Babari Breakdown to 2002 Godhra Carnage and from Palestine to Kashmir. And I almost certainly believe that a large portion of Indian underdeveloped Muslims or the victims of Godhra Carnage believe in so called jihad in order to teach their suppressors( majority Hindu or in a global view everyone except Muslims) a lesson. Correct that the entire India is learning her lessons the hardest way but hold it!! Hold it!! My question is, are those terrorists who call themselves the true worshipers of faith really being beneficent to their brothers? No certainly not..because if they were to do good to so called suppressed Muslims, they could have opened new madressas, new orphanages, new old age homes or other activities which would give an effect far immediate than the other options. They could have used this money to rebuild the houses of Muslims who lost their homes in Godhra Carnage. And who knows how many hundreds of crores of money have already been wasted in fostering of terrorism which would have alternatively been utilized in more sophisticated and fruitful way. But call it inanity of them or the eloquences of mullahs that some Indian Muslim would continue to entertain them.
"It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this." - Bertrand Russell
Friday, October 24, 2008
On another incident we were in Delhi sitting in the bus to Agra when a poor girl came and handed over us a template asking for monetary help which claimed that the girl is an orphan, and above all the template borne a sign of an advocate. Till now I was become highly invincible against these traps and didn’t give a single rupee but I was slightly feeling guilty for not helping her, but that guilt was completely vaporized when an another girl came on the next station with the same type of template.
On yet another but the most memorable occasion in Ahmedabad me and my friend was waiting for bus and a man in thirties, well dressed came and told us that he had taken a pledge for his daughter that he would collect some money only by bagging and would present that collected money before the goddess in some temple, having informed this he showed us his wallet with the amount of money more than the total amount we had in our wallets and asked for 10rs. by adding that money doesn’t matter it was only a matter of pledge. Now this was totally irresistible for both of us, and my friend contributed his part to his ‘holy’ pledge. Needless to say it was only a trick.
But such wonderful experiences make me ponder a little. Should we patronize the beggars? Well this has been a big topic of debate. Out of a sympathetic feeling some are in favor of helping them on the other side there are so called rational people who never give a paisa to them. I am partially in favour and partially in opposition. By digging deep into this apparently trivial but yet a factor affecting all of us, I can say that there are 3 cases of beggars. First the children , nobody should ever give a single rupee to them if we think of philanthropy because the moment he starts believing that the begging business is a profitable and easy one he would never come out of it and would remain a beggar lifetime. The another case is the youngsters, with the rising economy even the biharis get the daily wage by drudgery so why cant those beggars? The last case is of old-aged, there are two types of old-aged beggars one who have always been beggars right from their childhood and have never tried to work, they deserve this poverty and should not be given help. The second type is of those who because of old-age are not able to work and at a last solution they chose begging, to help them is a social duty for every one of us. But how to differentiate between these two types? Well don’t care take risk, patronize the both types.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
the rama and the ramayana
1. it is obvious that when a war is waged, thousands of lives are put at the death. So one has to have the strong reasons in justification of war before he wages it. In case of bhagvan Rama, the conspicuous reason was the kidnapping of godess seeta. But had the rama any reght to bring thousands of lives at the brink just for his beloved wife? True that the pride of the ayodhya was in question, but in that condition too was the war only option? I remember a plot from the movie "troy", wherein the enemy countries had their representatives fight(one from each) with each other and the winner representative would win the war for his country. with the cost of only one life the war was over. couldn't rama use the same tactic? So morally the war was the bad option. Now if i suppose that the war could be justifiable morally, than also logically the war was the bad option because it did not guarantee seeta. Was there any guarantee that on seeing the defeat at the horizon, ravan would not kill seeta himself? In that case rama would have lost the war even after winning it.
2. This issue is of more serious concern. He abandoned seeta, for not a single logical reason. At the very root i can say that he should have realised that in the society he lived, to save ones wife was the duty of her husband, and he could not fulfill it so at first he should have punish himself and than innocent sita. He knew that his decision to deport seeta was wrong, and he did it just because of the society, he did it just because of the fear of loosing his 'prestige'. And the 'prestige' of a person is largely related to himself and to hold the prestige high at the disaster of your beloved ones, is purely a selfish act and nothing more. so wasn't that the selfish act by rama?
To conclude with, I am just calling a spade a spade. Personally i like many of his characteristics and believe that there are too many good aspects of lord rama to introduce in our life. But that shouldn't make me blind, i have written this post just to make one point very clear that this is the age of "reason" or "logic" and "rationality", in science we use these extensively but when it come to religion or deep rooted beliefs we become totally 'immune to reason'. We bury everything under the label of "faith" where common sense contradicts.
"Life is short, play more"
-Advertisement slogan on release of XBox.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
lateral view-1
Another way for those who have been thinking of committing suicide. Do you know that committing suicide can bring you money? Ofcourse you wont get the chance to withdraw the cheque but,your family will do. There is a channel in a European country(i dont remember the name) named "Death channel/TV". This channel shoots you while you are jumping into water or doing similar adventure and will telecast the video on their tv channel. The compensation that the company gives for this coverage may make your family millionaire. Not only this it will make you famous all over the country. And all mortals have always been concerned about money and fame, so if you think that life is not giving these to you,death will definetly give you.
I know it seems absurd, because a person thinking of having suicide is very depressed or frustrated from life and in this case he/her cant think of anything else than leaving this planet earth and get salvation as fast as possible, but its not totally inapplicable. So why not to make your death worthwhile if you think your life was not.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A poem by a black
ωнєη I вσrη, I вlαcк
ωнєη I grєω υρ, I вlαcк
ωнєη I grσω ιη ѕυη, I вlαcк
ωнєη I ѕcαrєd, I вlαcк
ωнєη I ѕιcк, I вlαcк
& ωнєη I die, I ѕнαll вlαcк.
αηd υ ωнιтє ƒєlloω...
ωнєη υ вorη, υ ριηк
ωнєη υ grєω υρ, υ ωнιтє
ωнєη υ go ιη ѕυη, υ red
ωнєη ιη cold, υ вlυє
ωнєη υ ѕcαrєd, υ уєlloω
ωнєη υ ѕιcк, υ grєєη
αηd ωнєη υ die, υ grαу.
αηd ...
αηd υ called мє coloured ???
тнιѕ ρσєм... "I αм α вlαcк..." ιѕ ωrιttєη ву αη αƒrιcαη child !
...ωαѕ ησмιηαтєd ƒσr the вєѕт ρσєм σƒ 2005
Friday, April 11, 2008
'kaka' : A Tribute
...................But there is always an exception which scatters the rule. I have met a true 'altruist'. People call him 'kaka', yet very few people know his real name ( but what's there in name?). He is an excellent english teacher and a former militant. I think he is probably of 79 or 80. He has been teaching english more than 8 hours a day for more than 30 years with per year only a single holiday of 'new year day'. One more thing is missing to note that he has been teaching without taking any fee, not a single rupee,instead he provides notes and pens to needy students. As far as I know he has never accepted or asked for any external aid, he is doing all these on his own feet by spending his own pension money. Taking resources from rich people and transfer it to needy students under the name of charity has never been his mantra. I owe a part of my being what I am to this person who has first served the nation while in army, and then society by teaching english to typical gujjus like me. It hurts when I see that in jamnagar, only the the people from his neighborhood knows him and the rest of the city has not even heard the name of him.
At last, a sentence I have uttered countless times and If you have ever been a student of kaka , you must have also uttered it too many times.
"kaka, jay hind".
Thursday, March 20, 2008
......+But :- Hinduism, my inherited religion(of course inherited,i didnt get any chance to bargain on any other options). But yes i can describe too many great things in this religion,but that would lead to a different topic.
.........Let me ask all those who hates M.F.Hussain a very simple question. If M.F.Hussain was a hindu and had made the same paintings would you have still hated, and oppossed him. If your answer is yes, than go and hate The Great Mahakavi Kalidas, destroy all his Mahakavyas, and remove his name from Indian History because he is also a culprit of you. He has elaborately narrated the romance(foreplay would be certainly a perfect word) between Shiv and Parwati in eighth Chapter of his wellknown epic "Kumar Sambhavam"(I wont use the word freedom of expression for defence of MFH ,because freedom of exp. doesnt mean that you are allowed to violate the religious beliefs of people). But on the contrary we have written his name in golden letters. The only thing i want to put here is that the contemporary hinduism has become just an anti-islam version.
..........I am not telling that MFH is a good painter because i personally dont know anything about that art. But if Kalidas had not written any vulgar poem, MFH has also not drawn any vulgar painting. It's not fair that if one person does something, it is labeled as 'ashlil' and the same thing is done by the other becomes ' shrungar'.
........* The Satanic Verses(by Salman Rushdie).
.........+Controversy:- I have not read this entire book. But mostly the Controversy has arose because in this book the author has narrated the wives of Prophet Mohammad as "whores" and also claims few mistakes in some verses of the Holy book Quran. As a result The Muslims Mullas all over the world has declared fatvas on him.
........+Qustion:- Do you believe that only god is free from committing mistakes and no human can be perfect. If the answer is yes than stick to it until the end of this post.
........+But :- Islam ,I love this Religion for its Intellectual Concept of God. I can say that Salman Rushdie has criticized the Quran in his controversial book. He has pointed out some fundamental mistakes(atleast he has claimed that) in Quran. The muslims believe that(same for hindus n others) their Quran is perfect and there could not be any mistakes.First of all let me tell you that a religion is just a human-made definition of the GOD If it were established by GOD it/her/hisself (ya God must not have any particular gender,name,size,colour as this attributes only belongs to Humans, and must be beyond such humanlike identification), was he/she/it so confused that he/she/it made too many religions. So and Since this is a human made concept,it is not beyond imperfection, there can be or must be many loopholes, so is about the holy books. The Quran is written by PM, and the PM however great, was a human he might had made mistakes in Quran(same for Gita and Bible also). One may argue that PM was not a human he was a child of God himself. Nope, never, I counter argue that why all the so called children of God or Birth of God were born as a male? PM,JC,Krishna,Rama,Budda,Mahavira all were surprisingly men. GOD could have born as a Female. GOD could not be so unjust to women (jaago naari jaago). PM was supposed to make mistakes, and if a muslim wont criticize his own religion than who else is supposed to do that.
.............Still you believe that Rusdie was wrong, than dislike him, oppose him, abuse him, but you can't kill him, no religion gives you that right..
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Indians on Forbes
But something is missing to note..
Once our professor had said(of course with a little exaggeration)that the 90% of our national income has been possessed by the top 10% people and only the rest 10% of national income has been shared by the rest 90% of population. Seeing American names on the list of toppers is surely a matter of feeling proud for themselves because they are having a car per family. They are having a strong middle class and far less income inequality. Whereas India is having 30% of its population below poverty level
. But we Indians are just used to over-react on any matter either it is Ambanis or Sunita Williams.
True that our economy is one of the fastest growing economy in the world,but that doesnt mean that entire India in all aspects is developing at the same pace. If someone says that our poor class is developing rapidly than I must ask why the NAXALISM is broadening horizons? NAXALISM is nothing but the consequence of the uneven developement of our nation. India is growing up like a handicapped child. India is undergoing rapid industrialization, but at the cost of Agriculture. The Higher class is getting more and more rich, but it is also a bitter truth that farmers are committing suicides across the country.
"Playing for India is surely better than having Ferraris in your garage"
-Dhoni on IPL
Friday, March 7, 2008
An Anatomy of Language

If you are not intrigued form the above title consider this: the reason behind the
What is Language? It hard to define what ‘language’ is. But it is easily acceptable that the Languages are basically for communication purpose. The language could be in many forms, but our conventional concept of language is comprised of four forms spoken, listened, read, written (say Natural Language, English, gujarati etc. ). But the language is not that much only. When a child becomes hungry and points to refrigerator or his mouth and we understand what he wants, what do you do along with wishing “best of luck”, or “all the best” to your friends in exam-hall? You may call it Body Language.
So it is clear that we have two ways for communicating with each other one is above mentioned Natural Language the other way is by using Body Language. As one can understand that the birth of any language can not be spontaneous rather it is invented, developed, modified by people over a huge span of time. The pronunciation style is also greatly affected by natural climate when it is created gradually. (E.g. there is a huge difference between Indian and American dialect). So one may argue that how came we choose Natural Language over Body language as our communication mean (the advantage of body language:-it can be made global, same gesture can be made across the globe if you want to say you are hungry) . It is because verbal language requires much less muscle movement, when movement of hand and fingers etc.. requires more muscle movement. So choosing any Natural language is economical in terms of energy usage. But the dumb people have to choose the uneconomical way.
One point is also about use of sophisticated language in oral form, the language you may find in dictionaries or in news papers. Personally I hate to use the sophisticated language, because the so called formal or sophisticated lang. has restricted the use of pre-linguistic words (want to know what are pre-linguistic words? Then prick a needle on your butt and the spontaneous word you will utter comes under this category). I firmly say that any language is not the possession of any litterateur or any
“Poetry is the mother-tongue of mankind”
Thursday, March 6, 2008
First of all let me tell you that I have never written even a single word myself (Except those few kilos of answer sheets), it is my very first attempt. Therefore I don’t claim to keep your attention over here from prologue to epilogue in any post. But usually I won’t be challenging your endurance. It would be my modest effort to express my views in a less acerbic manner. Over here I will be just encapsulating the things as I see, as I understand, as I enjoy, as I endure.
I am also not confining myself into decent English, even not in English only(frankly, my English is not quite good). It is likely to be used slang a bit.
There was a TIFFIN DISTRIBUTER. He always had a fist everyday. Reason? He used to browse through every Tiffin he got for distribution and take out his favorite recipe in small amount. The matter I want to clear to you is that I consider myself much like that tiffinman , the sort of thoughts or information I shall write in upcoming posts might be merely a compilation, like that tiffinman(In that case I will provide references). But surely it won’t be a Copy-Pest venture.
After this entire so called Swearing-in Ceremony. It is informally declared that “મન થશે તેમ લખીશ થાય ઍ કરી લો."